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Come into my parlor where I can ramble about my projects. If you like, you can ramble back on the forum page. Although mainly I write, I also dabble in digital visual arts. I created this page during a master's program in digital storytelling.
I perceive I have not really understood any thing,
not a single object,
and that no man ever can,
Nature here in sight of the sea taking advantage of me
to dart upon me and sting me,
Because I have dared to open my mouth to sing at all.
"As I Ebb’d with the Ocean of Life"
By Walt Whitman
The Mississippi as seen from Bellerive Park, setting of the upcoming novel The Ivory Triangle. The St. Louis region has a long literary tradition, from classic writers like Kate Chopin and Tennessee Williams, to current writers like Jonathan Franzen and Gillian Flynn.
Currently posted on Collage...
Documentary called "The Road to Branson"
Slideshow about artist Wanda Loomis
digital poetry video
and more
"I am he as you are he as
you are me and we are all together."
- John Lennon and Paul McCartney
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